Monday, January 25, 2016

Poem: I Don't Know Where I'm Going

I dont know where I'm going God
My feet are hesitant to move
I pray for wisdom and for courage 
I pray for all my selfish aims to leave

I'm scared of losing all my time
chasing after worthless vanity
I know that running after that is pure insanity
I just want to live my life as an offering to you 
pure and blameless, Jesus lead me through 

I dont know where I'm going God
but your promises hold true 
I've seen you keep your word before
Therefore I know that you are true

So all I ask is that you lead me now
in this season where my future lies ahead
In this chapter where I must choose
to turn right or to go left

I am frail, but you are strong
I mess up, but your love is long 
Now Jesus lead me through 
and mold me as you do 
To be a humble servant
In remembrance of all You did and do

-Anna Topal